
Effect of Video Games

                                                             Effect of Video Games                      Video games have been growing since the mid-1980s. If we see the evolution of video games drastically changed from simple two-dimensional games to realists. Many believe that video games are a useless form of entertainment that is in no way beneficial, therefore playing video games are waste of time.                  Especially children spend too much time playing games which affect the physical activities, time spends doing homework and interacting with family and friends. Also, the increase of more screen space affects the eyes and health. On the oth...

Manufacturing Future in Index Finger

                                           Manufacturing Future in Index Finger The future of manufacturing is moving towards technology, manufacturing facilities are accelerating the growth of fully automated production facilities that are more capable and more flexible technologies. We already see robotics, digital twin technology, big data, additive manufacturing, smart manufacturing, and industrial internet of things among the market trends.         As technology shifts aspects of manufacturing, the labor in the manufacturing facilities is reducing and skills of engineers are focusing on communication and the implementation of new technologies in business will help bridge the gap between technology and manufacturing facilities.          Example: COBOTS are new automation robots that are safe, ri...

Throughput Time by Barcode

                                                        Throughput Time by Barcode “Customer satisfaction, Reduction of manual work and eliminate the possibility of human error with the barcode”. How does barcode help to improve product efficiency? A barcode is a measurement of representing data in a visual, machine-readable form. The device can scan the barcode itself, no need for data collection. Most manufacturing facilities are utilizing barcoding in all areas of their business to track the parts like supply chain operation, Manufacturing operation. Part numbers, lot numbers, purchase order numbers, or any other information can be encoded into a barcode.             A barcode containing all information about the part and product data is printed on. The code is read by a reader with...

Statement of Work (SOW)

                                                              Statement of Work (SOW) A piece of paper is more valuable than anything else after the signature on the piece of paper from supplier and customer. Statement of work is like a legal written bond between supplier and business with the customer to execute the delivery of a set of services. Misinterpretation and miscommunication can lead to a very expensive penalty for both sides. “Who should create a statement of work? Stakeholders’ involvement? how to create?” These are like million-dollar questions, anyone can create the SOW who has knowledge of risk and mitigation. Especially experts who prepare SOW are often and review with the internal manager to check all risks are covered in the SOW. Most important in SOW is the master service agree...

Manufacturing Heart

                                                                Manufacturing Heart                           Finance plays a key role in the manufacturing industry throughout the process like research and development, purchasing machinery or assets, and maintenance. Finance is the management of cash flow, while accounting is the maintaining, recording, and reporting financial reports. The accounting team is responsible for ensuring that the account balance shown in the balance sheet is accurate and providing financial reports.                  The company has to understand the process of the manufacturing product, profit ma...

Pricing Tolerance

     Pricing Tolerance                       Pricing tolerance is the optimized price of the product to sell in the market. The key to company success is pricing the product properly. If the product is underpriced, the company is losing the profit margin and if the product is overpriced, customers are not willing to buy the product.                              There are different types of pricing strategies in business. Pricing the product usually involves certain key factors like target customer, competitors, quality, and price.                                  ...

Product Positioning with Bull’s-Eye Analysis

                                     Product Positioning with Bull’s-Eye Analysis                                                                                                                                      Understand the “Bull’s Eye” is the small circle at the center of a target which the people vision is to hit the bull’s eye with darts or shoot arrows or bullets. The bullseye logic is a process for developing targeted messaging and vision to achieve a specific outcome. Its method is an innovative approach that helps to create marketing and business suc...