Throughput Time by Barcode

                                                       Throughput Time by Barcode

“Customer satisfaction, Reduction of manual work and eliminate the possibility of human error with the barcode”.

How does barcode help to improve product efficiency?

A barcode is a measurement of representing data in a visual, machine-readable form. The device can scan the barcode itself, no need for data collection.

Most manufacturing facilities are utilizing barcoding in all areas of their business to track the parts like supply chain operation, Manufacturing operation. Part numbers, lot numbers, purchase order numbers, or any other information can be encoded into a barcode.

            A barcode containing all information about the part and product data is printed on. The code is read by a reader with a photodiode that can record to the scanner light patterns. The scanner then produces an electronic signal to match the printed barcode pattern and sends the barcoded information to a computer where the data is decoded and recorded just like manual work data.

The benefit of barcoding is to improve accuracy, efficiency, and traceability.

Example: Each part has a barcode of 10 pieces in the container, send to the assembly line. In the assembly line, the operator takes part from the container and scans the part, after that assembled part to product. Automatically part stock will update in the system to count 9. If part rejected, part list updated in the system, part scrapped. This way with barcode easily tracks the parts used, rejected, and pending. So, that supply chain operation team gets updates about parts stock, they can replenish the parts container without line downtime like operator waiting for parts.

   Major Barcode benefits in the supply chain department, every day millions of packaging shipping and scanning which makes an alternative to traditional paper and pencil processing.

Using barcodes can save time in material handling situations like inventories of inhouse material may take several employees days to complete but with barcode scanners, the same count of inventory can be completed within a fraction of time and tracking the product movement among the packaging process to the delivery point.

The time saved with barcode system tracking allows employees to spend their time on other activities. It means operation teams can reduce employees and utilize the productivity of employees.

In manufacturing operations, revenue is dependent on the number of units manufactured and shipped. Increased company revenue saves in a reduction in errors that cause duplicate in work, improved accountability, and greater customer satisfaction. Barcodes help to reduce time spent on activities like parts tracking, inventory, and shipping which improve revenue.














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